
Friday, 1 February 2013

Future Thinner Laptops : Apple Mac

Thinner Laptops of Future By Apple Mac

We have seen recently Apple is aiming to get their products thinner and lighter for their users. Along with ultra-portability they are adding in more stylish designs and touch sensitive keypads and LED displays. With the PDA industry dying and Apple focusing on current product lines, does it make sense to release such a product? We think it doesn’t. If anything, our guess is that Apple may choose to marry touch technology with down-to-Earth thinner notebooks for a better, far-reaching product: the MacBook Lite.

MacBook Air is one of 5 thin laptops that meet eco standard. That’s good news for anyone who is into protecting the environment. That’s a good start!

 The MacBook Pro with Retina Display is Apple's best laptop yet, and, price aside, is probably the most well-rounded laptop available today. It has the best display available on any device -- anywhere -- and it's faster, thinner, and lighter than other laptops in its class. However, applications that haven't been updated to take advantage of its ultra-high-resolution display look awful, with jagged text and fuzzy graphics. And it is definitely priced for professionals. That said, if you can brave the sticker shock and you're willing to put up with apps not yet updated for Retina displays, this laptop stands alone. We suspect that for most people this machine will be out of reach, though, which is why we feel the MacBook Air 13-inch still has the best balance of portability, power, and price of any laptop out today.


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