4D Animation and modeling
Building on the popular 3D animation, 4D has added a time and space
concept to it's dimensions. Animators are now capable to move an object
around its own mirror
image. This has been a mathematical idea and application for some time,
but now through computer technology, it has been launched into feature
films and other animation projects.
Animation and production studios have taken this developing technology
and run with it, marketing to audiences movies that can be interpreted
in 3D, while the images appear to jump off the screen. It is with
computer programs that utilize the fourth dimension that we can
conceptually see in 3D. Disney, Pixar, Sony and IMAX are all examples
of studios that have created and promoted cartoons in this manner, with
Polar Express, Monster House and Open Season as a few such films, but
today, many movies utilize 4D aspects.
By using 3D and 4D soft wares we can create animations and models. Soft wares include CENIMA 4D STUDIO and MAYA.
For Cinema 4D download click link :
For Maya download click link :